This is one token you should be accumulating every day and why

DegenMaxi (DMAX)
4 min readApr 22, 2022


As you already know I love to invest in tokens with a fixed supply (and preferably deflationary), have use cases, and can be put to work to earn passive income.

And that’s why the token projects I’ve created, CST and DMAX, are designed to have these features.

In this post, I would be sharing with you 3 reasons why you should be accumulating DMAX and the best ways to go about investing and profiting from DegenMaxi.

Top 3 reasons you should be buying DMAX right now

  • Daily Reflections
  • Lucrative yield farms with a base APR of 300%
  • Regular NFT airdrops to DMAX holders

1. Daily Reflections (true passive income)

DegenMAxi (DMAX) is a reflection token that pays you in CST daily just for holding at least 50,000 DMAX or more in your wallet.

That means all you have to do to earn CST daily is to hold DMAX in your wallet and you can leave it there to keep earning for you. That’s the true definition of passive income.

But where is this CST reflection coming from?

Whenever someone sells DMAX, they pay a 13% tax on the total volume. 7% is used to buy CST and distributed to every DMAX holder with a minimum of 50 tokens.

For example, if I sell $100 of DMAX, I pay a $13 tax. Of this, $7 is distributed to all wallets holding a minimum of 50,000 DMAX.

Visit the DegenMaxi website to learn more about DMAX tokenomics.

2. Lucrative yield farms

You can earn even more DMAX by staking your DMAX-WBCH LP token in the DegenMAxi (DMAX) farm on BenSwap.

The farm is designed to maintain a consistently high APR that will not be allowed to fall below 300%.

That means you’re always guaranteed almost 1% daily return on your investment. And this is in addition to trading fees you earn for providing liquidity on the exchange.

Remember, all 500 million DMAX supply would be used to reward liquidity providers and community development.

As such we can maintain this APR until the entire supply has been exhausted. Once that happens, the farming will stop and others would only be reflections.

If we achieve our revenue goals, we might create a new farm that rewards you with BCH for staking your LP token in addition to the constant reflections.

3. NFT airdrops

In addition to all of the above, we would be running regular NFT giveaways for DMAX holders with a sizeable bag.

These are real and valuable NFTs worth tens and even hundreds of dollars with use cases of their own.

This is to appreciate and encourage the major supporters and investors of the project, as well as promote community development.

What are the risks?

Every investment has its risk, and the only risk with investing in DegenMaxi (DMAX) is price fluctuations.

  • High APR could lead to selling pressure but the aforementioned incentives for holding could minimize selling. Also, the earlier you get in, the less of this risk you face.
  • Initially, due to low liquidity, price fluctuations could be significantly higher. But as liquidity grows the price impact will normalise.

Furthermore, the team is doxxed and absolutely legit. So the risk of someone pulling the rug on you or any form of scam is literally zero!

Also, the team doesn’t even have any token allocations to sell. The only thing the team gets is its 1% share of the tax and we’re 100% transparent about operations. When in doubt, ask questions in our Telegram group.

Upcoming major updates

These 2 major updates are scheduled to take effect within the next weeks:

  • Bring the total supply of DMAX down to 500 million and burn the rest. Previously, the supply was 23.674 billion. Yes, you read everything correctly.
  • NFT airdrop to 10 wallets with 100, 000 DMAX or more. (10 Moodies collections or 10 NFT domains from Unstoppable Domains, each with a floor price of over $40).

You don’t want to miss out!


The earlier you get in on a reflection token as DMAX and the longer you HODL, the greater the reward you will get from both the daily reflections and potential price increase.

This is because, as more investors come in, the price is most likely to increase. Plus you could be a lucky winner of one of our most valuable NFTs as a DMAX holder.

The opportunities here are numerous. Will you take the ride with us?

PS: Nothing in this post is financial advice, and all information is provided for educational purposes. You alone are responsible for your financial decisions.

Originally published at



DegenMaxi (DMAX)

DegenMaxi (DMAX) is the ultimate deflationary and reflection token on smartBCH.